A 'proof of concept' regarding two different beer designs.
A 'proof of concept' regarding two different beer designs.
'Proof of concept' for a coffee cup of some sorts.
'Proof of concept' for a coffee cup of some sorts.
Find these fat free papers to go with your favorite snack, all over The Hague's most beloved square of restaurants and bars.
Find these fat free papers to go with your favorite snack, all over The Hague's most beloved square of restaurants and bars.
Vouchers! Bring this over to the 'Bakplaats' to get two pizzas for the price of one.
Vouchers! Bring this over to the 'Bakplaats' to get two pizzas for the price of one.
Boardgames burgers and beer! You'll find this flyer to tell you that is what's taking place every monday at 'Hoender en Hop'.
Boardgames burgers and beer! You'll find this flyer to tell you that is what's taking place every monday at 'Hoender en Hop'.
I made this map and its icons to tell you all the activities that will take place and where to find them on The Hague's coolest kid friendly festival; 'Sniester'. (Sniester type and logo not by me.)
I made this map and its icons to tell you all the activities that will take place and where to find them on The Hague's coolest kid friendly festival; 'Sniester'. (Sniester type and logo not by me.)
This is not just both a promotional flyer and a coloring page. It's actually a user friendly customizable .pdf complete with embedded fonts
This is not just both a promotional flyer and a coloring page. It's actually a user friendly customizable .pdf complete with embedded fonts
A graphic on how applying 'HUB logistics' in the catering industry can improve a city centre's environment.
A graphic on how applying 'HUB logistics' in the catering industry can improve a city centre's environment.
A supersized coloring page for the kids to get distracted by while the parents get their lunch on.
A supersized coloring page for the kids to get distracted by while the parents get their lunch on.
Flip it over to find another one!
Flip it over to find another one!
'Proof of concept' of a full fledged brochure including map and icons for a '19th century explorers' inspired zoo.
'Proof of concept' of a full fledged brochure including map and icons for a '19th century explorers' inspired zoo.
'Proof of concept' of a small brochure for a local theatre, announcing their latest show.
'Proof of concept' of a small brochure for a local theatre, announcing their latest show.
I did a few 'EP' designs for one of Rotterdams most prolific hip hop artists and it's record label 'Avalon'. This is just a mock-up of a record but you will find them on Spotify!
I did a few 'EP' designs for one of Rotterdams most prolific hip hop artists and it's record label 'Avalon'. This is just a mock-up of a record but you will find them on Spotify!
One more 'EP' design in the same desired classical european comicbook style.
One more 'EP' design in the same desired classical european comicbook style.
Quite literally, my biggest work of art. Find these pieces on the shop front of 'Hoender en Hop'.
Quite literally, my biggest work of art. Find these pieces on the shop front of 'Hoender en Hop'.
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